Maybe I am biased, or just maybe I care too much about the Detroit Pistons. Anyway I try to rationalize it in my head it comes out the same. The NBA is completely fake and David Stern is the equivalent of Vince Mcmanon. Not only is he a total pagan corporate whore, he is also oblivious to making wise decisions with whom he elects as basketball Gods. I think the downfall of the league came around the time of the Michael Jordan era. I am not in any means trying to take away what MJ did, he TOTALLY earned his legacy and iconic status. But after he left, Stern started handing the keys to the league to any 18 year old with some hype. He forgot that great players take time to become stars and quality basketball has nothing to do with marketing. Stars make them themselves and as a league they should focus on the teams/players that win, bottom line. Rules have been modified year after year to ensure that players that he picks as the next big thing will have an easier time rising to the top. Lost in his tweaking of the rules and force fed new stars is what everyone really loved. Real basketball. The refs control everything, momentum is shifted the second an "NBA/Media darling" is getting pummeled. Players that can actually defend, hit a 17 foot jumper, hustle, play with emotion are hastily brushed aside for the next big thing. I watch the old footage of what the NBA used to be like and I am overwhelmed by the passion and quality of the game. Now, I have to sit through a predestined marketing scheme that teeters so close to obvious I can barely stand to watch as I already know the outcome. It is exactly like wrestling, every now and then a new villain is created to crush the hero only for the hero to have his triumphant title. So David Stern I hope bad karma attacks every facet of your shitty devious life. As for my man Sheed, you are dead on and maybe the only player in the league that has the balls to call it like it is, I can only wish you and the Stones can overcome the Celtic slight of hand and win this thing. And if you do, it's only going to get worse, Kobe is loved again...