By now everyone with a brain has seen this amazing movie. I can proudly say I have actually went three times and it keeps getting better to me. But there is a problem. One of the last scenes and most memorable is when Evan and Seth end up at Evan's parents house after the party was broken up by the cops. Snuggled up in their respective sleeping bags next to each other they begin to proclaim their love for one another. The climax to the scene is when Seth "boops" Evan on the cheek. I found this to be really funny. Here lies the problem. Everytime I start getting drunk I feel the need to "boop" people. It started with my friends, girlfriend, and eventually graduated into booping random people. I know it's obscenely rude and will most likely end with me getting smacked or worse but I can't stop. It's just way too funny. My good friend Nathaniel and I went on a booping rampage the other night and the reactions were priceless. He booped a group of 5 people that we did not know as they entered the bar. I dont believe they had seen the movie and were left with most confused look on their faces. I laughed so hard vodka poured out of my nose.
So today I got two phone calls from people that know first hand of my booping problem and they both informed me that they saw people booping this weekend. This also made me laugh, but I kinda felt empty as if my rude trailblazing acts were un-original. Maybe this news will cure my urge to boop everything in sight, being the hipster that I am I would never be part of a trend after it hits the mainstream (see Hipster Olympics). I hope Apatow and gang know what they have started. BOOP!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
diver down...

After 22 years of completely denying the public awesomeness, Van Halen finally wised up and brought back David Lee Roth into the fold and announced a US tour. And metro Detroit being the burnout haven it is, VH is doing two shows here. Which brings me to this, FUCK YEAH! Look, VH after Diamond Dave was about the gayest shit ever, and I am still somewhat pissed that Eddie Van Halen really replaced DLR with Sammy Hagar and some other dudes. I am now just forgiving him for raping my ears for 20 years with some of the worst cock rock ever made. But Eddie is on a roll. First DLR, then a tour, and finally he is having his 16 year old son Wolfgang Van Halen play bass for original bassist Michael Anthony. Spawn from Eddie and Valerie Bertinelli, Wolfgang is some feathered haired genius when it comes to music. Besides having awesome genes, his name alone is really sweet. In preparation for the concert I started searching ebay for some gear to sport. And look what I purchased today. I know what your thinking, Fisher just scored the most kick ass t-shirt ever. And you are right. So October 20th if you happen to be downtown Detroit keep your eyes peeled for the drunkest sleeveless man you have ever seen!
One side note: How do you become an Ebay model ? This dude makes me happy.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I have spent the better part of 12 years in Ann Arbor and I have to say the overall amount of douche-bags has atleast tripled. When I first came to this town it was submerged in petruli oil soaked hippies. Which always made me ponder why would someone want to smell like a throwback stripper covering up a giant armpit. But I digress. Today this town has been seized by semi- hipster all american douches. Perhaps the only good thing about it is this little gem. I actually know this dude (his name is JAR, no I didnt make that up) and the girl (BEAST) that he is with is not his girlfriend. His girlfriend by the way is fucking hot, really hot. A little maltese dream which I have no clue on how he pulled her, considering she rags on how bad of fuck he is right in front of him. Anyways, I kinda thought this pic sums up whats going on around here. I think for my blogs sake I feel its necessary to post a weekly douche report. Filled with commentary and pics. Enjoy!
oh well...

I have to admit that I have always been somewhat skeptical of blogging and blogs in general. The word alone is enough to make me vomit when spoken. But after reading the "rosenblog" I have had a change of heart. If done correctly, blogs (man, I really wish there was a better word) are not so bad. So I guess it would be safe to say "rosenblog" is my blogging muse that has lead me to this critical point. Big up to The Bunyon Chop Shop and this is your reward.
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