Yeah, yeah, yeah...It's basically been forever since I have posted a blog and I really don't have a solid excuse on why but I figured this is totally worthy of a new post. After a night of football and food, I found myself in my local watering hole (The Alley Bar) last night for a couple drinks. The bar was pretty empty as temperatures were in the single digit area in Ann Arbor and without some locals to socialize with I nearly packed it in, settling for an early night. Fortunately I chose to stay a tad longer as my night would get uniquely better. The door opened pushing a fresh wave of faces and icy air. A guy named Jeff and his dog "Caster" pulled up some stools right next to me. Caster sat stoically in his stool and ordered a whiskey and water in a bowl as Jeff and I got through the getting to know yous. After a few rounds in us the time had came for shots. "Puppy Shots" flowed as Caster and I lapped away at our respective bowls. Caster was pretty much the best bar buddy I have ever encountered as we drank and discussed a wide range of topics ranging from politics, football, and bitches. Many "Puppy Shots" had been tucked away into our livers and it finally took its toll on the young lad as he passed out at the bar. Goodbyes were said and kisses exchanged as we went about our separate ways into the winter night.